It's the Easy Way to Pay
Skip the stamps and pay your bills online with FREE Bill Pay from Exchange Bank!
- Pay ANYONE You Want - from babysitters to Fortune 500 companies and everything in between.
- YOU Decide When - keep your money as long as you can by scheduling payments to arrive right near their due dates.
- NO Forms or Agreements Required - companies accepting electronic payments are in the searchable database and ready for you to select. Other payees can be set up to receive a check drawn on your account.
Bill Pay is great for tracking payments and budgeting! It's also convenient for worry-free vacations. Simply schedule your bill payments before you leave and they'll be paid for you while you're off having fun - it's as easy as that!
What could be more convenient than a one-stop record of all your regular expenses, not to mention the fact that your bill payment history is available to you online for 19 months!
FAQs For additional information, please contact a Data Processing Representative today. Perry (580) 336-5531 or Stillwater (405) 742-0202.